How old are you?
- 3 but I’m going to be 4 in February
Do you love ponies?
- Mummmmmmy why are you asking me that, I love ponies, Lottie, Lily, the chickens, I love all animals.
How many ponies do you have?
- 8 (Emily doesn’t have 8, she has 2....)
What are your ponies names?
- Smokey and Monty
What colour are your ponies?
- Brown, coconut and a coffee coloured brown…. (We actually have a grey but he may as well be brown as he’s always covered in mud)
What do your ponies like to eat?
- Hay and food, fruit as well but I like Haribo
How long have you been riding for?
- Since I was born…. (She started when she was 2)
Why do you like riding?
- Because Monty is a good boy and I like to do “Big Shows”
Can Mummy ride your pony?
- No because Daddy says you look like Shrek on Donkey!
Can Daddy ride your pony?
-No because Daddy’s massive and would squish Monty and Smokey
What do you like to do with your ponies?
- I love to love them. I like to go to Big Shows and lunge Smokey (She likes getting Smokey to follow her over the trotting poles)
What are your plans this year with Smokey and Monty?
- Riding the most, I think I want to bring Monty in to the house so he can watch Mr Bean with Lottie (The dog). You wouldn’t like it though Mummy, he’s got muddy feet.
What do you think you will do with your ponies when you get older?
- Jumping (I’m not sure Mummy likes the sound of that)